Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The ragged girl

It happened so quickly 

She knew so badly she wanted to go

To experience the thrill of the plane taking off

No one told her not to

Once she got there it hit her

She was the ragged girl

The girl who everyone frowned upon

She missed her own yet no one knew

They joined her soon after, how could they not?

From then on and even today when she looks years back, she was still the special ragged girl

Maybe it's better she left when she did,
Saying goodbye to the home she loved with those she loved would've been too hard to fathom.

Oh for that plane ride! What that child was willing to do! 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I cannot love again

I cannot love again

I have loved but once

For when I did I gave my all

To the man of my soul

Too lost to be found

Was the truth in my heart

Too foreign to be understood

For my life had spoken

In a language I knew not

Yet I cherish each moment

As a child does his favorite toy

Even though it tells of no future

It remains forever more

I cannot love again

I have loved but once………

Monday, August 26, 2013

Would life be any easier/better without the people that cause you the most pain and discomfort?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hit a low today ... 

Monday, May 27, 2013


I'm blogging after a REALLY long time today. No particular reason - just felt like putting down a few here goes.

I think it's amazing how you get so used to something in your life. Anything - it could be your routine, your surroundings, the people, the shows you watch, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the side of bed you wake up on, the first thing you see every morning, the way your bathroom feels, the way meal times are, the road you take to and from your workplace.

Everything - to sum it up.

Now the tough thing is getting used to a whole new set of things. I don't know how long it takes, some I'm getting used to, some I don't think I ever will. Am I the only one who feels this way? I don't think so - but at the same time, I fear so.

Note to self: This is not a 'complaint to God' sort of post, more just a 'think aloud' sort of post. End.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Standstill, until the weather gets better. Not putting a timeline on it, but I sure hope it's soon.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I'm home :) I can hear you calling me, I'm coming, I'm driving, coming closer to you...

Yup, I'm home :)

Some things will never be the same again, but isn't that what life is all about? Change....change for the better.

Yup, I'm home :)

I know what counts........No regrets! Nope, never!

Yup, I sure am home :)